Kris Verwimp anyone? This is the
second album tonight that I have covered with the man's artwork
on it and I didn't even realize it until seeing his signature
in the lower right hand corner. Guy really gets around apparently,
and a good thing! If there's anything metal needs more of, its
good artwork. Le Grand Guignol is a band that I'm already well-acquainted
with, having bought their album from CD Baby for an ex-bandmate
of mine for christmas last year, and them actually turning out
to be a large influence of his in said band as the months progressed
up to my departure. The part that I'm confused about is, who
the hell would have ever thought that ex-members of FALKENBACH
would have come together under the banner of a band playing
such symphonic, quite insane music? We should have seen this
coming but the beginning were heard in “Dregoth”,
a band I can honestly say NO ONE knew until now. Though, Enid
should have given us a huge clue through their partnership with
While the term “avant-garde”
might be a bit displaced here, normally being reserved for the
most experimental and off-the-wall projects, I felt Le Grand
Guignol was deserving of such a term for their primary use of
complex synths rather than complex guitar work as well as their
completely strange and wonderful subject matters. Le Grand Guignol
are also one of the most professional sounding bands in the
world in addition to their oddball sense of style and humor.
You'd have to think of it like if Akercocke suddenly became
a cartoon. Can you imagine it? These men in business suits and
a leader with a bicycle mustache one day completely lose their
mind and decide hey, the world is nothing but a playground for
our mischief. That is Le Grand Guignol. Le Grand Guignol = Cartoon
For Maddening Media, this had
to be an incredibly important release. Rarely does a band with
such talent in its folds decide to take a turn for the crazy
and experiment into the world of...well...experimentation. With
other insane artists aligned with them such as Uninvited Guest
and Carach Angren, Maddening Media is sure to have a grand,
and probably very stressful, future ahead of them. These insane
abstract artists have been known to be pretty eccentric, so
dealing with them on a personal level probably isn't the most
fun situation in the world. Just consider yourselves lucky as
lowly listeners, and enjoy the music!