It amazes me that there are still
exotic countries close to home which surprisingly enough have
a metal scene. What to think of the topic of this review, Le
Grand Guignol, who hail from frigging Luxemburg of all places!
The band derives its name from an opera house in Paris (1897
- 1962) which specialized in scary and immoral plays and performances.
The most important way in which this comes forward in the music
on 'The Gread Maddening' is the extremely theatrical character
of the extremely good orchestral arrangements, which largely
outshine the parts played on the standard metal instrumentation
Despite the fact that all of the
orchestral parts are played on a keyboard, the production has
been well tended to excellently. The musical basis to which
all this bombast and opera qualities have been added is formed
by simple symphonic black metal riffings (the first two Arcturus
releases) and a whiff of Viking/folk metal reminiscent of Falkenbach.
This is not as strange as it seems, since drummer, guitarist
and vocalist have helped Vratyas Vakyas on his last two records.
Le Grand Guignol is especially
interesting for those people who can appreciate the grotesque
sounds and projects of a band like Therion, or maybe even The
Vision Bleak, though you would have to be able to appreciate
the vocal styles of screaming and grunting, which are mainly
used. In any case, these Luxemburgers have managed to create
a special debut record with an original sound.
Richard G.