
"The Great Maddening" - CD

"Imperium Grotesque" - CD


If at any point in time you´ve had even the slightest interest in Dimmu Borgir, this is absolutely The Band for you. Very interesting project with many mysterious whispers, some talk along those pretty black metallic melodies. And I strongly suggest that you listen to this band before it crawls out into the mainstream, but for now this is unstained by the masses, pure quality of its genre atmospherically-symphonic avant-garde black-metal.

The whole record flows continuously from song to song, so from the first track is captivates and you just cannot stop it afterwards. So definitely worth your attention, as well as the label too – its newcomers are very promising. If they could keep as good quality in their live performances, as on record, it’ll blow some serious dark metal socks off the most gourmet metalheads.

Marina Sidyakina, transl. K. Weber
